Welcome To Our Website



Privacy Policy

All the customers shall be billed once the job is done and delivered successfully. Billing to be carried out as per the quoted price. If quote has not been shared with the customer, invoice shall be based on stich count which will be shown in Pricing page. Special Pricing or Promotions may be offered for the bundled orders.

Welcome to Reliable Digitizing: following the process of work and registration with us, you hereby accept and agree the below certain terms & conditions of our organization. If you feel anything that may be unacceptable or you cannot agree on that please refrain to using our company. We suggest you to get in touch with us in such scenario so our representative can clear you ambiguities first.

Payment Terms

Reliable digitizing will bill the customer after order the order has been completed and delivered. Billing to be carried out as per the quoted price. If quote has not been shared with the customer, invoice shall be based on stitch count which will be shown below. . Special pricing and promotions may be given for volume orders. And we don’t charge invoice for every order we will take invoice by the end of the month.


All information and material on the website, including text, graphics, and links, as well as products and services contained in or offered through the website are provided on an available basis. We do not guaranty that this site or its content are error free, complete, accurate and uninterrupted. Yes we do take care of the possibilities but we cannot commit that servers are always virus free. Something happened due to technical error shall not be the responsibility of reliable digitizing.


This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to reliable digitizing. This material includes company information, text, blogs, design & layouts, appearance & photographs. Reproduction of the content is strictly prohibit


To ensure the service quality we provide best of our expertise for the customer’s maximum satisfaction, however Reliable digitizing offers an unconditional 100% refund of payment until the 120 days of delivery if the customer is still not satisfied.

Service Delivery

All the deliveries to customers are made by electronic mail (Email) and services are receiving through your email. We do not deliver anything physically.